Why do I need an employment advisor?
Nowadays, it is essential for companies to have a labour consultancy that provides up-to-date information on labour and Social Security regulations. In order to comply with legal obligations and avoid possible sanctions, it is important to know the different hiring options and the possible bonuses in the contribution of workers.
Good individualised advice to the employer is key to ensure compliance with the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement and to keep a timely and direct follow-up of the procedures before the Social Security. For this reason, having an Electronic Document Remission System (RED) can facilitate the remission of contribution information and avoid errors in the management of contributions.
How can we help you?
These are some of the employment consultancy services that we offer in our Palma de Mallorca office:
- Advice and management of procedures related to Social Security benefits, such as temporary disability, retirement, maternity, death and survival, among others.
- Management of hiring, preparation of payrolls and everything related to the labour management of companies.
- Management of labour relations and legal aspects related to senior management in companies.
- Advice on Social Security matters for special regimes for workers, such as the self-employed, domestic workers, agricultural workers, artists, among others.
- Management of the registration of companies with the Social Security and advice on Social Security matters.
- Preparation and filing of employment-related taxes, such as personal income tax (IRPF).
- Management of the registration and deregistration of workers with the Social Security.
- Advice and management of problems related to partners and senior managers of companies.
- Management of contingencies and situations protected in terms of Social Security.
- Advice and management of dismissals and termination of employment contracts.
- Processing of temporary or permanent incapacity of workers.
Contact us
Having a labour consultancy that provides up-to-date and specialised information in all these areas can be essential to guarantee the correct fulfilment of legal obligations and avoid future problems in labour matters.